Bulk Upload

Bulk Upload

Bulk upload allows you to upload large amounts of data in one go, you can upload group or channel data, multiple products, events, bookings, locations, and much more!

From the left admin menu, click on Bulk Upload.

bulk upload

Next, select which type of data you want to bulk upload.

bulk template

Select the type of bulk separator.

bulk separator

The pipe separator allows you to upload your bulk data using TXT format, while the comma separator uses CSV format.

Next, download the template sheet for the type of data that you specified.

download bulksheet

Fill the sheet with your data, and then drag it back here or select the file from your computer.


Format of Data In Comma Separator

This section will explain how to add data to the CSV document.

Note that: The field "Format" provides you an example of how to enter the data correctly.

Group Template

Select the group bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

group bulk
FieldTitleDescriptionSplashSplash TitleSplash DescriptionSplash Button TextSplash Button Background ColorSplash Button Text Color
DescriptionTitle of the group.Description of the group.Gives you the option to include a splash screen.Title of the splash screen.Description of the splash screen.The text of the splash button.The color of the background of the splash button.The color of the text on the splash button.
FormatTextTextWrite 0 to disable splash screen and 1 to enable it.TextTextTextHex format. (eg. #42e9f5)Hex format. (eg. #42e9f5)
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional

Channel Template

Select the channel bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

channel bulk
FieldTitleDescriptionSplashSplash TitleSplash DescriptionSplash Button TextSplash Button Background ColorSplash Button Text Color
DescriptionTitle of the channel.Description of the channel.Gives you the option to include a splash screen.Title of the splash screen.Description of the splash screen.The text of the splash button.The color of the background of the splash button.The color of the text on the splash button.
FormatTextTextWrite 0 to disable splash screen and 1 to enable it.TextTextTextHex format. (eg. #42e9f5)Hex format. (eg. #42e9f5)
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional

Event Template

Select the event bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

event bulk
FieldTitleDescriptionStart Date & TimeEnd Date & TimeAll DayTime ZoneLocation
DescriptionTitle of the event.Description of the event.The starting date and time of the event.Then end date and time of the event.Whether the event is going to be an all-day event or not.The time zone in which the event will take place.The location where the event will take place.
FormatTextTextMM/DD/YYYY 11:00 AMMM/DD/YYYY 7:00 PMWrite 0 if it's not an all-day event or 1 if it is an all-day event.London (GMT+00:00)London NW1 4NR United Kingdom
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalMandatoryMandatoryOptionalMandatoryMandatory

Note that:

  • The format of the start date and time and end date and time has to be entered in the same format specified below.
  • Do not include any commas (,) in the address.

Product Template

Select the product bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

product bulk
FieldTitleInternal TitleDescriptionPriceCurrencySKUMax Unit Per OrderProduct Add-on IDStockKeywords
DescriptionTitle of the product.Internal title of the product.Description of the product.The price of the product.The currency of the price of this product.The SKU is a unique code to identify each product.The max unit per order is the maximum number that a user can order this product.If you add a product-add on to this product, include its ID here.The inventory for this product.Keywords users can use to search for this product.
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalOptionalMandatoryMandatoryMandatoryOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional

Note that:

  • To get the product add-on ID, go to the product add-on section from the left admin menu.

Hover over the product add-on that you created, and click edit.


You will find the product add-on ID.

  • To include more than one keyword, you can separate them by a semicolon ';'.

    Eg. Red Shirt; Men's Shirt; Cotton Shirt.

Tags Bulk Template

Select the tags bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

tegs bulk
FieldNameDescriptionIs Private
DescriptionName of the tag.Description of the tag.Type 0 to make the tag private or 1 to make public.
FormatTextText0 or 1
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalOptional

Member Template

The member bulk upload allows you to assign different members to be moderators on different events, bookings, channels, or groups.

Select the member bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

member bulk
FieldChat IDMember ID
DescriptionThe ID of the channel, group, event, or booking that you wish to make the member a moderator on.The ID of the member.
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryMandatory

Note that:

  • You can get the chat ID, let's take a channel for example, by clicking channels from the left admin menu.

Hover over the channel you created and click edit.


You will find the channel ID.


You can get the chat ID of groups, events, and bookings the same way.

You can get the member ID from the Users section in the left admin menu.


Click the edit button next to the member.


You will find the user ID.


Bundle Template

Select the bundle bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

bundle bulk
FieldDisplay TitleNameDescriptionCurrencyMax Unit Per OrderProduct IDProduct Add-on IDKeywords
DescriptionTitle of the bundle.Internal title of the bundle.Description of the bundle.The currency of the price of this bundle.The max unit per order is the maximum number that a user can order this bundle.The product(s) ID that you want to add to this bundle.If you add a product-add on to this bundle, include its ID here.Keywords users can use to search for this product.
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalOptionalMandatoryOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional

Note that:

  • You can include more than one product in the bundle, just add the products ID in the product ID section, separated by a semi-colon (;).

  • To get the product add-on ID, go to the product add-on section from the left admin menu.
    Hover over the product add-on that you created, and click edit.

  • You will find the product add-on ID.

You can get the product ID the same way, go to Products from the left admin menu, hover over the product that you created, and click edit, and you will find the product ID.

  • To include more than one keyword, you can separate them by a semicolon (;).

    Eg. Red Shirt; Men's Shirt; Cotton Shirt.

Multi-tiered Plan Template

Select the multi-tiered plan bulk [Package]template and then click download bulk sheet template.

multi-tiered plan bulk
FieldTitleDescriptionStyleBundle or ProductID of Bundle or ProductKeywords
DescriptionTitle of the multi-tiered plan.Description of the multi-tiered plan.The display style of the multi-tiered plan.Whether you're adding a bundle or a product.The product(s) or bundle(s) ID that you want to add to this multi-tiered plan.Keywords users can use to search for this multi-tiered plan.
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional

Note that:

  • You can include more than one product or bundle in the multi-tiered plan, just add the product(s) or bundle(s) ID in the ID of the product or bundle section, separated by a semi-colon (;).

  • You cannot mix a product and a bundle in the same field.

  • To get the product ID, go to the products section from the sleft admin menu.

Hover over the product that you created, and click edit.


You will find the product ID.


You can get the bundle ID the same way, go to Bundles from the left admin menu, hover over the bundle that you created, and click edit, and you will find the bundle ID.

  • To include more than one keyword, you can separate them by a semicolon (;).

    Eg. Red Shirt; Men's Shirt; Cotton Shirt.

Booking Template

Select the booking bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

FieldTitleDescriptionLocationDurationWaiting TimeCancellabilityCancellation Window UnitCancellation Window
DescriptionTitle of the booking.Description of the booking.Location of the booking.Duration of the booking in minutes.The gap between one booking and the next in minutes.Whether this booking is cancellable or not.The time unit of cancellation.The window of cancellation.
FormatTextTextTextNumberNumber0 or 1Hour, Day, Week, MonthNumber
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalMandatoryMandatoryMandatoryOptionalOptionalOptional

Booking Active Days Template

Select the booking active days bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

booking active days bulk
FieldBooking IDDayEnd DateEnd TimeAvailable TicketsMax Per AccountPriceCurrency
DescriptionThe ID of the booking.The days that the booking will be active.The end date of the booking.The end time of the booking.The number of available tickets for this booking.The maximum number of tickets that a user can reserve.The price of the booking.The currency of the booking.
FormatNumberWeekdays like: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.MM/DD/YYYY11:00 PMNumberNumberNumberUSD
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryMandatoryMandatoryMandatoryOptionalOptionalMandatoryMandatory

Booking Holidays Template

Select the booking holidays bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

booking holidays bulk
FieldBooking IDHoliday Dates ID
DescriptionThe booking IDThe dates of the holidays.
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryMandatory

You can include more than one date separated by a semi-colon (;).

Tracking Template

Select the tracking [Locations] bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

locations bulk
DescriptionTitle of the location.Description of the location.Latitude of the location.Longitude of the location.Whether the location is a drop-off or a stop.URL of your website.
FormatTextTextNumberNumberDrop off
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryOptionalMandatoryMandatoryOptionalOptional

Note that:

  • To get the longitude and the latitude of a location, search for the location on Google maps and then right-click on the location.

Blacklist Signup Template

Select the blacklist signup bulk template and then click download bulk sheet template.

blacklist signup bulk
FieldUser Signup
DescriptionThe user signup ID that you want to blacklist.
Mandatory or OptionalMandatory

Blacklist by Pattern Template

Select the blacklist by pattern template and then click download bulk sheet template.

blacklist by pattern bulk
DescriptionChoose the blacklist pattern.The format of the pattern.Enter an example of your blacklist pattern.
FormatChoose either: start with, end with, contains, or regular expression.TextString
Mandatory or OptionalMandatoryMandatoryMandatory

Note that:

  • Click here for more information on blacklist patterns.