App Settings

App Settings

The app settings section allows you to configure multiple elements in your app, including the general settings, signup and registration settings, setting up Google ads on your app, selecting the payment method on your app, setting up bots and integrating APIs, and entering your app's terms and conditions.

To go to the app settings page, click on App Settings from the top menu. You will be prompted with the following screen:

app setting

General Settings

Splash Screen

A splash screen is an introductory graphical screen that shows an explanatory message when you first install an app. It can also be displayed when a user first enters a group or a channel.

splash screen 1

Splash screens can contain multiple screens to introduce the user to different features of the app.

splash screen 2 splash screen 3

To customize your splash screen, click on Splash.


Select the splash page background color and enter the title of the start button.

color and title

The title will be displayed here.

splash screen 4

Then choose your desired layout:

Options 1

option 1

Option 2

option 2

Option 3

option 3

Option 4

option 4

Next, insert your app's logo [it must be a PNG with dimensions of 1024x1024] and enter the title and description.

app logo&title&description

You can create additional screens to introduce your app further; click 'Add New' to add up to six screens.

Add new screen

Once you click 'Add New', you will find the new screens below your main screen, ready to be designed.

new screens

You can change the order of the screens by dragging the move icon up or down. You can also delete a screen by clicking on the red trash icon.

move or delete screen

Once you are done, click 'Save.


Bubble Themes

Bubble themes are a selection of chat app backgrounds that you can choose from to select the main bubble theme for your app.

Click on bubble themes.

bubble themes

You can choose from a selection of themes from the top messenger apps. Click Save after you select your theme.


Invitational Links

Invitational links are displayed in groups, channels, events, and bookings to invite users.

invitational links

You can hide invitational links to groups, channels, events, and bookings by toggling on this button.

invitational links

Show App Details

This feature displays the app details, such as the description of the app, its category, the media and files, and the number of participants.

show app details

Toggle on to display the app details.

show app details

Request App Rating

This feature prompts a window where users can rate your app after any successful voice or video call that is over 30 minutes.

request app setting

Signup and Registration

Login and Signup

This section allows you to select the method of verification when a user first signs up for your app.

Click on Login & Signup.

login & signup

You can choose to verify via email or mobile, or you can skip the verification process by choosing No Login.

no login

Email Verification

Mark 'Email' to configure it's settings.

email verification setting

Choose the verification message that you want to be sent to your users:

Either a normal default verification message,

default message

or a customized message, as you can create your own verification message.

custom message

If you want users to sign up using just one email and not to change it later, check this box.

no email changing

To complete the verification process, click on SMTP server settings.

SMTP server settings

Switch the toggle on and fill in the information and click save to use your SMTP server, otherwise, leave the toggle off to use nandbox's SMTP server.

SMTP server

Here is an article to guide you with how SMTP server works.

Mobile Verification

Click on mobile and select one of the vendors.


The same goes for mobile verification. Choose the type of verification message you want to send to your users:

Either a normal default message,

default message

or a customized message, as you can create your own verification message.

custome message

Then click configure.


Click here to create a Vonage account.

click here

Once you create an account, you need to choose whether you are a developer or not, then choose your role.

choose a role

Choose the 'Verify' method.

Choose verify

Then, the API Key and API Secret will appear to you.

API Key & API Secret

Copy each one and paste it into their respective fields.

API key & secret

Save your configuration.


Click ok when prompted with this window.


Then click test.


Enter your mobile number to test the SMS, then click send.


You will receive an SMS on your phone, and this message will be displayed.

You have now successfully set up Vonage SMS verification.

Note that Vonage provides you with a free balance of 2.00 euros to start your testing process.

To subscribe with Vonage, click 'Add funds'.

Add funds

Click 'Add funds' again.

Add funds

Then fill in your billing information to upgrade.


After you choose Infobip, click configure.


Click here to create an Infobip account.

click here

Once you create an account, go to the sign-up steps, then choose in the customize your experience section 'SMS' and click 'Next'.


Then choose 'Authentication' and click 'Next'.


Choose 'By using code (APIs, SDKs)'.

By using code (APIs, SDKs)

Choose your company category and how many users you contact per month.

company and user number

Then a screen will pop up with the API Key and the API Base URL.

Copy each one and paste it into their respective fields.

API key & URL

Save your configuration.


Click ok when prompted with this window.


Then click test.


Enter your mobile number to test the SMS.


You will receive an SMS on your phone, and this message will be displayed.

Note that you need to subscribe with infobip first to get the verification code

Click 'Pricing'.


Choose 'SMS'

You will be prompted with a pricing calculator. You can select your country, control the number of messages, and it will generate the pricing for you.

pricing calculator

Then, go to 'ADD FUNDS".

add funds

Select the suitable payment transaction for you.

fund your account

Fill in the billing details, then click 'Submit'

billing details

User Profile

In this section, you can customize what your users can say about themselves.

Click User Profile.

user profile

You can customize each section's title, select the minimum and the maximum number of characters and choose whether this field is mandatory or not.


You can also add more fields.

add field

You can choose from different types.


You can also select the error message that appears to users. click save once done.

error message

Store Verification Account

Before you publish your app on the Google Play Store and Apple's App Store, it needs to be reviewed. You create a demo account so that verifiers in Google and Apple can use it to access and evaluate your app. Once reviewed, your app will be one step closer to being published in the stores.

Note: This section is related to the Login and Signup part, so make sure to match the login method, whether it's by email or mobile. If your app has no login access, you can skip this part.

Click on Store Verification Account.

store verification account

Next, choose the verification method.

Note: Make sure that you use an email or phone number that is different from the one used to register for your app in the login and signup section.

email or mobile

Enter the country and the email address and click verify.


Check your email, enter the verification code sent in the pop-up screen that appears and click verify.


This screen will be displayed.

This demo account can be used on both Google and Apple at the same time.

demo account

You can reset all the information you added [country & Email] by clicking the 'Reset' button and starting all over again.


Repeat the same process if you want to use mobile verification and don't forget to click 'Save'.

email or mobile

Providing Review Instructions

App stores sometimes require further instructions on how to navigate your app from the point that they install it up until they gain access to the app to review it.

You will find the required steps written here.

login instructions

Next, we will walk you through where to paste this section in each store.

Google Play Store

Go to Google Play Console. and select your app.

my app

From the side bar, click app content.

app content

Scroll down to app access and click 'Start declaration'

start declaration

Mark 'All or some functionality in my app is restricted', then click 'Add instructions'.

add instructions

Add your instruction name, and you MUST add the same email or phone number you used in creating your demo account.

matching emails

Go back to the app builder and copy the instructions.

copy instructions

Paste it in the instructions box, mark 'No other information is required to access my app' and then click Add.


Don't forget to save once adding your instructions.


App Store

Go to App Store Connect.

Select My Apps.

Make sure that your app is successfully built and has already been tested by TestFlight in order to appear on your App Store Connect account.

Select your App.

Go back to the app builder and copy the instructions.

copy instructions

Then, go back to App Store Connect, scroll down to reach App Review Information and paste it in the Notes section.

Google Ads

This section will enable you to activate Google AdMob in your app.

google ads

1.) Firstly, create a Google AdMob account.

2.) From the navigation menu, click 'Apps'.



4.) Select the platform of your app.


5.) If your app is published on Google Play Store or App Store, select yes; if not, select no.


6.) Next, enter the app name and click 'Add App'.


7.) Click 'CREATE AD UNIT' to start creating ads.


8.) Next, select the ad type, currently, nandbox app builder supports the Banner and the Native advanced format.


The banner type will look like this:

googlelead The native advanced type will look like this: googlelead2

9.) Click the banner type, enter the ad name and click 'Create ad unit'.


You will be prompted with two keys.


10.) Open nandbox app builder.

11.) Go back to the App settings page.

app setting

12.) Click on Google ads.

google ads

13.) You will be prompted with the following screen.


14.) Copy the first key (Google ad app ID).

15.) Paste it in the Ad Google Key section in nandbox app builder.


16.) Next, copy the second key (banner key).


17.) Paste it in the Ad Banner Key section in nandbox app builder.


18.) Next, click create another ad unit.


19.) Select Native advanced.


20.) Enter the ad name and click 'Create ad unit'.


21.) Copy the second key (native key).


22.) Paste it in the Ad Native Key section in nandbox app builder.


23.) Next, select which ad you wish to activate and click save.


24.) You can repeat the same process with the iOS version of your app.


25.) Enter the ad frequency, which is the number of posts after which an ad will appear.


26.) Next, you need to activate the ads in the modules that you installed in your app.

27.) Click the "Configure" button of the installed module.


28.) Mark enable ads and don't forget to click save.

enable ads

Payment Gateways

This section will allow you to choose how your customers will pay for your app.

Go to the 'App Settings' page.

app settings

Scroll down to find the payment options.

payment gateways

Credit Card

Users can pay with a credit card using one of the following payment gateways:

Stripe is one of the major payment gateways that will allow your customers to shop and buy your products using their credit or debit card.

Follow the steps in this article to integrate your app with Stripe.


Follow the steps in this article to integrate your app with PayPal.



You can also enable the cash option.


In-App Purchases

In-App purchases allow your customers to make additional purchases in your app. Follow the steps in this documentation to enable in-app purchases in your app.

in-app purchase

You can select them all by clicking the 'Save' button.

save to select all

API and Integrations

The API/Bot allows you to easily create programs that interface with nandbox App ecosystem platform. nandbox API/Bots are special accounts created without a phone number, or email that run as third-party applications to provide extra functionality by interfacing with nandbox App ecosystem platform. Users can interact with API/Bots by sending messages, commands, and inline requests. You control your API/Bots using WebSocket messages to nandbox API server.

Click on Chat Bots.

chat bots

Creating API/Bot

Click on create new bot.

create new bot

Start by naming your bot and click Add.

Click on Create New Bot.


Next, click on the gear icon to configure your bot.

configure bot

Enter the details of the bot.

general settings

You can set up a payment if you want to create your bot with a subscription service. Check out this documentation for more information.

payment settings

Next, configure the bot's properties, you can determine the access that the bot will have.

bot properties

Finally, you can set what you want the bot to do and what access it has.

device access down arrow what can this admin do

Then publish the bot.

publish bot

Enter the username of the bot.


Don't forget to click Save when you finish.

You can find more information about How Bots Work through our APIs, how to obtain the Authorization Token, the available Bot features, and much more.

Channel Default

This is where you can configure your app's channel settings.

channel default

You can enable chat with admins.

enable chat with admins

Enable post footer: You can choose to add the like button, the reply button, the number of views, and the share button. You can also choose the button icon and customize its color.

enable post footer

Enable Context Menu to Post: Displays a set of actions to be done to the selected content. Click on the toggle to activate or deactivate the action.

There is one action (delete) that is shown by default and eight actions that are user-selectable, which are:

  • Share
  • Forward
  • Copy
  • Edit
  • Save to Gallery
  • Save to Music
  • Save to Downloads
  • Report abuse
enable context menu

You can also change the order of the actions, click and hold the move icon and drag up and down to move the action.

movving buttons

Then click 'Save'.


Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

The terms and conditions are essential guidelines that will determine the nature of the interaction between your app and your users, they are also an important factor when you publish your app to Google Play Store and the App Store.

To enter your terms of service, click the arrow icon.

terms of service

Enter the link for your terms and conditions and click Save.

terms link

Same goes for your privacy policy link.

privacy policy privacy link


Pick the language that your app will support.

app language

Customer Support Email

The support e-mail will appear to banned users so that they can contact the admin for inquiries.

customer support email

Click on it and enter the support e-mail address.
