RSS, which stands for "Really Simple Syndication," is a format for web feeds that are used to share information that is updated often, such as blog posts, news headlines, audio, video, etc.

If your app shows news, blog posts, or updates from multiple sources, an RSS bot can automatically pull new posts from these sources and show them in your app, making sure your users always have the most recent content.

You can link your RSS feed with your app itself, which will represent the outsider content in your default tab, such as Newsfeed, or with a specific channel in your app.

Integrate your App with RSS

First, you need to create an RSS bot in your nandbox app builder.

1.) From the admin menu, click 'BOT & API'


2.) Click 'Create'


3.) Mark the 'RSS' bot and click 'Add'.

add RSS bot

4.) Now your bot has been added to your app.

RSS bot created

Linking RSS bot with your App

In these steps, we will explain how to link an RSS bot to your app.

When an external source posts material, it will appear on your "newsfeed.

1.) Hover over the bot and click the ‘View Details’ button.

view details

2.) Click ‘Chat with this Bot’.

chat with this bot

3.) Next, type /add with the feed URL of the outside source in the chat box and click Send.

Note that the URL must be RSS URL


4.) Now your link has been successfully added.

link added

Linking RSS bot with Channel

In these steps, we will explain how to link an RSS bot to your channel.

When an external source posts material, it will appear on this channel.

Note that these steps can only be done on your device.

1.) From the admin menu, click 'Users'.


2.) Click the three-dot icon and select 'Edit'.


3.) Click 'Add Role' and select 'Admin'


4.) Go to the channels section, mark your channel then click 'Add'.

add channel

5.) Hover over the channel tab and click the ‘Edit’ icon.


6.) Make sure to choose 'Super admin', then click 'Save'.

super admin

7.) Once added, click 'Save'.


Note that you should repeat the same steps and assign yourself as a super admin! When you open your app, make sure to know what username you used to create your profile, and assign yourself as a super admin to this channel.

edit down arrow super admin

8.) From your device, go to your channel settings and click 'RSS' in the 'Admins' section.


9.) Click the RSS setting icon.


10.) Type/add the feed URL of the outside source in the chat box and click Send.

Note that the URL must be RSS URL

send link

11.) Now your link has been successfully added.

link added

Instructions And Commands

You can type/help or /? to know the RSS bot's instructions and commands:



Type /list to represent all the URL links you added.


Type /remove + URL link to remove a certain link.


Type /removeAll to remove all URL links added.

remove all

To control how the RSS links appear, use setlinkstyle as follows:

  • Type /setlinkstyle hide: to hide RSS links from posts.
hide link

Type /setlinkstyle short: to shorten RSS links.

shorten link
  • Type /setlinkstyle show: to show RSS links as it is.
show link