
Use this message to update an existing message. On success, the sent message is returned with the status 'updated'.

message_idStringYesOld message ID that you want to edit it
referenceLongYesUnique local identifier for the target chat/user
textStringConditionalOnly use if you want to update Message has type of "text"
captionStringConditionalOnly use if you want to update Message has type of other than "text" e.g. photo, video, audio,..etc.
chat_idStringYesUnique identifier for the target chat or User_id
to_user_idStringOptionalif reply or send message to target user within a group chat or channel, unique identifier of the target user.
menu_refStringOptionalMenu reference for existing predefined Menu. The menu will be displayed as inline menu associated to the message. To hide the inline menu from message set menu_ref to empty String .
inline_menuArray of MenuOptionalInline menu object to hold menus. Previous menu will be dropped and replaced by the updated one.If both inline_menu and menu_ref is defined. Priority for inline_menu unless menu_ref is set to empty String .