
This object represents nandbox Group or Channel information.

idStringYesUnique identifier for Group or Channel.
titleStringYesOptional. title for Group or Channel
typeStringYes"Group" , "Channel" "Contact" Or "Bot"
versionStringYesLast updated Group or Channel profile version.
language_codeIntegerOptionalIETF language tag of the main Chat language. Returned only in getChat.
RegionsStringOptionalAllowed region, if it is null means "All". Returned only in getChat.
descriptionStringOptionalChat Description. Returned only in getChat.
photoPhotoOptionalChat Photo. Returned only in getChat.
categoryStringOptionalChat category. Returned only in getChat.
member_countIntegerOptionalTotal Chat members count. Response only in getChat.
invite_linkStringOptionalChat invite link. Returned only in getChat.
tagsDefinitionArray of TagDefinitionConditionalList of "tag definition"