How to change the ios app store name during the ios Store Publishing Set Up?
I can not change the app store name during the ios Store Publishing Set Up.
The blank is grey, and I can not change the name I previously saved.
Could you help me?
Error message when I try to release my app
I have this error message when I try to release my app:
"One or more platforms cannot be created for this app due to your provider's contract state. - Creation of apps for the platform(s) iOS is not available due to your provider's contract state.
An attribute value is invalid. - ITC.apps.validation.bundle_not_available - /data/attributes/bundleId".
Please could you help?
Best regards,
Test the app on two devices
I created a messaging app and could release APK file of it. I am trying to test it now. Now I have installed the app on two devices and I wish to connect the users on those devices so they can chat and call. However, no way I can add one user to the contact list of the other user. I can see both users have joint the app but they do not find each other. I have chosen no login requirements for my app. Can you tell me what is wrong with my app? Why my app does not connect to the host so users add each other using QR bar code? Or created link? What can I do to fix this problem?
Thank you.
Azam Tahavori
Why is the support not responding, I can't get the code?
After entering my phone number, the app gives this message :
Too Many attempts, please try again later
I tried once after 24 hours and once after 48 hours but got the same message.
So far, I have sent an email to support twice, but I have not received a response. It is not true that a program with these features is weak in support.
How does one add a posting button
hi, there is no feature to post - I cant post on the posts/feeds page for the social app.
Custom feature for bookings
I would like to know about creating a custom booking feature that allows for the following flow:
Underline or bold on a channel post?
Hi, is there a way to format text in a post on a channel, such as making it bold, italics or underlined? I tried doing ctrl + b, and it makes it bold in the post editor but on the actual app. Any way to do it? Thanks
Icon to send message to admin not working
Hi, there is a button that shows on main posts channel of my app, to allow users to message the channel admin. That button is supposed to be a bubble with a message icon in it. Randomly, that button just is an outline of an octagon, with no background filled in and no icon.
Change action on swipe for home menus
Hi, by default a user can change between any of the pages on the home menu by either clicking the icon/button on the bottom, or by swiping left or right on the screen. Is there a way to disable that swiping mechanism? Thanks
How to view replies to channel on chat
Hi, for every channel, a user can reply to each post in that channel, or message the channel admin by clicking the chat bubble on the bottom right corner.